Shirley Camia’s “Mercy” is a Raw Exploration of Grief
To capture experiences, no matter what they may be, in their raw form is something not every poet can do. Nor is it some sort of silent requirment that one must follow to make their work ideal. But, Shirley Camia’s collection managed to capture her journey with grief and loss in a captivatingly raw way. ”Mercy” has four parts that are all dedicated to a specific stage of Camia’s journey with grieving. Her pain translates in these poems as does her slowly coming to terms with her loss. There’s no disconnect in regards to what any readers need to understand about this collection. It’s meant to be personal , emotional and possibly uncomfortable to read. And while the grief is individual, as is any type grief, each poem reminds the reader that healing isn’t linear. It’s a process. This collections allows readers to enter Shirley Camia’s journey and take a look from the outside. And if anyone reading has known grief and loss - it’ll hit home in some way.
Vanessa Maki is a queer writer, artist & blk feminist whose work has appeared or will appear in various places. She has self-published a handful of chapbooks & currently has two forthcoming in 2020: sweet like limes (Bone & Ink Press) & the chosen one (Animal Heart Press).