
April Frances Federico (she/her) is an up-and-coming poet, journalist, activist, and visual artist. She has a specific ardor for women's rights and Title IX issues. She is a huge literature nerd studying Creative Writing with minors in Arts Management and Visual Arts at Roger Williams University. She is also the voice behind The April Diaries and her work has been published in Rose Quartz, Ayaskala, honey & lime lit, Kissing Dynamite, Satin Soulbits, and HEAL(er) Mag.

A native of North Georgia, Morgan Dante (they/them) is a published poet and author. Their short story “Deer in December” was published in TL;DR Press’ Halloween 2018 Horror collection, NOPE. They've also published their poems “Turkey Hunting,” “Patty,” “Samantha,” and “Daughters of the Sun.” Their debut novel, Dove Keeper, came out in October 2018. They are a regular contributor to Marías at Sampaguitas.

Gervanna Stephens (she/her) is a Jamaican poet and proud Slytherin with congenital amputation living in Canada. She is Assistant Editor with The/tƐmz/Review, hates public speaking, has two sisters who are better writers than her & thinks unicorns laugh when we say they aren’t real. Recent or forthcoming work can be found in Moonchild Magazine, Ghost City Press, Montreal Writes and Yes Poetry.

Juliette Sebock (she/her) is the author of Mistakes Were Made (2017). She has work forthcoming or appearing in a wide variety of publications. She is the founding editor of Nightingale & Sparrow and runs a lifestyle blog, For the Sake of Good Taste. Currently, she is editing the Stanzas from the Silence anthology in addition to working on a variety of works in progress. When she isn’t writing (and sometimes when she is), Juliette can be found with a cup of coffee and her cat, Fitz.

Nashira Rose (she/her) is an Afro-Pinay/ Poly-nesian artist & activist from Cebu. She spends her free time making zines, collages, and infographics that explore the issues that plague her commu-nities; from mental illness, to climate change in the Pacific. She believes in creating change in the form of art, one poem & poster at a time. On Instagram & Twitter as @nashxra.

Shreyaa Tandel (she/her) is a self established poet or you can say amateur poet from India. Her poems "Inadvertently Alive", "Virgin" and "Blackhole" have been published in the blue pages lit and vamp cat magazine respectively. When she isn't writing or is glued in front of a computer/cell phone screen, she spends time singing north indian classical music and reading the bhagwad gita and pretending very hard to be happy, even though she isn't. Her email is

Tiny Tanaka (they/them) is a poetry and prose writer, recovering addict, Hafu-sprinkled with Korean heritage, lesbian, who happens to have borderline personality disorder. They fight for intersectional feminism, LGBT+ rights, and to end the stigma of mental illnesses.

Paul Robert Mullen (he/him) is a poet, musician and sociable loner from Liverpool, U.K. He has three published poetry collections: curse this blue raincoat (2017), testimony (2018), and 35 (2018). He has been widely published in magazine, journals and anthologies worldwide. Paul also enjoys paperbacks with broken spines, and all things minimalist.
Grace Beilstein (she/her) is a senior at The Kinkaid School in Houston, Texas. She writes flash fiction, poetry, and prose. This year, she is the Editor-in-Chief of her school's award-winning literary magazine "Falcon Wings." Grace is also involved in science and uses her writing to popularize scientific findings and scientists, both in memoir and in articles for Rice University's "Enquiry" magazine.

Hannah Schoettmer (she/her) is a senior at Interlochen Arts Academy. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of Butcher Papers, a youth-focused literary magazine. She also serves as an Executive Editor with Ayaskala and is a regular contributor at Marias at Sampaguitas. She has been recognized by TeenInk, Write the World, the Scholastic Art and Writing awards, and the Live Poets Society of New Jersey, among others. Her creative work has appeared or is forthcoming in 24hr Neon Mag, Royal Rose, Crepe and Penn, Wide Eyes Publishing's salt + vinegar, and elsewhere.

Marina Manoukian (she/her) is an armenian reader and writer. based in berlin, she is currently a contributor for pussy magic, you can also find her writing at full stop review and cultura colectiva +. find more of poetry, prose, and collage at // @crimeiscommon (ig/twitter)

Aspen Duscha (refer with respectful pronouns) is a coffee-loving poet who in addition to gathering books loves to gather words and discover the world around them.

Lynne Schmidt (she/her) is a mental health professional in Maine. Her unpublished memoir, The Right to Live: A Memoir of Abortion has received Maine Nonfiction Award and was a 2018 PNWA finalist, while her poetry has received the Editor's Choice Award for her poem, Baxter, from Frost Meadow Review, and her chapbook, Dead Dog Poems, was honorable mention from Pub House Books. Her work has appeared in Soft Cartel, RESIST/RECLAIM, Royal Rose, Maine Dog Magazine, Alyss Literary, Her Kind Vida, and others. When given the choice, Lynne prefers the company of her three dogs and one cat to humans.
Twitter: @LynneSchmidt @Abortion Chat
Facebook: Lynn(e) Schmidt

Born in Ankara, Turkey, Nazli Yildirm (she/her) is published by various magazines in Turkey. Besides poetry, she is a photographer and she likes composing stories with her camera. She established a photo zine called HAYRET herself. She is a proud feminist, activist and member of LGBT+ community in Turkey. She wants to reflect her experience on Turkish LGBT+ apart from current the oppression in Turkey. Going after making otherized people feel belonging through her poems and photographs, she is on the prowl of showing the power of restorative and constructive things. She will continue revealing the invisible pieces of existing and transformation thanks to those images.

Johnny Willems (he/him) is an eighteen year old collage and zine maker from Northwest Indiana. He is a resident writer for The Star Collective Zine and has been featured by the Mezzazine, Humankind Zine, and Field Notes. Johnny's work is informed by his religion, childhood, and love of the color green. He can be found on Instagram at clear.truth.

Noreen Ocampo (she/her) is a Filipina American writer and poet based in metro-Atlanta. She studies English, film, and media at Emory University and currently writes for COUNTERCLOCK and {m}aganda magazine. She is also a regular contributor for Marías at Sampaguitas. Say hi on Twitter @maybenoreen!

Priya Verma (she/her) is a literature enthusiast from India who is in love with taking pictures of anything and everything.