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Black Lives Matter

MID-HEAVEN Magazine has a page of resources, which may be found here


Ghost Heart Literary Magazine also has a page of resources, which may be found here.

If you have the means, please consider supporting these sources for the Black Lives Matter Movement. We cannot silent in the workings of white supremacy.


People of color benefit from the activism and work of Black and Indigenous communities. Providing monetary support is but only one step towards making positive change.


Non-black people have to work on straying away from performative ally-ship and continuously dismantle anti-Black sentiments within their own families, selves, and communities. These are difficult conversations, but they must be had.

As stated by Julie Ae Kim, the Founder of the Asian American Feminist Collective, we have to combat our complicity in white supremacy. The sources she provided, which are also shared here, came to her from black feminists who embody love and solidarity as a political practice.

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