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Poetry by Young Adnan Shafi


My beloved eyes glare as the morning sun;

Her eyes infused with shrewd thoughts;

They haunt, I should strenuously run;

I should shove off from the love lots.

I can become ensnared to her smile completely;

Her smile in the caliginosity glints all the way;

I love the essence of her then sweetly;

I don't crave to mislay a chance of being at bay.

When I gaze her face, I obliviate all the pain;

I try to dwell in her dreams gripping her mind;

Let me now have the sweet sorrow of love in her lane;

Leaving every incurvate wing of love far behind.

I wish I could find something more,

But darkness doesn't let on to pen anymore.

Young Adnan Shafi, (23) was born and brought up in a middle class educated Bhat family, which belongs to Chandrigam in Tral area of Kashmir valley. He is a poet, writer, columnist, translator, short story writer, reviewer, blogger, motivational speaker, ghazal-writer, editor, and coauthor of many anthologies. He is also an author at DESTINY POETS UK. He has been internationally published and won poetry awards from numerous publications. His poetry book "TEARS FALL IN MY HEART' depicts sorrows and vicissitudes of life. There are various hues in his poems ranging from love to loneliness and despair. Besides, his poetry is replete with the simplicity of thought and language. Some of the poems are autobiographical in nature which relate to his own life’s vows.

Poetry publications:

Duane's PoeTree; Black Poppy Review; Outlaw Poetry (France); Inventives Magazine; Between Hangovers; Metaphor Magazine; Society of Classical Poets; Peeking Cat Poet Community; Scarlet Leaf Review; Spillwords; Halcyon Days Magazine; The Blue Nib Magazine; Taj Mahal Review (India); PPP Ezine; Ariel Chart; The Ginger Collect; Basil O'Flaherty Review; Longshot Island; The Paragon Journal; Free Lit Magazine; Hidden Constellations; Nature Writing; The Literary Hatchet, PearTree Press; Raven Cage Ezine; Now Then/Word Life (UK); Degenerate Literature; Dual Coast Magazine; Pengician (Africa); Carcinogenic Poetry; RavenPerch; Indian Periodical; MetaWorker; Two Drops of Ink; GloMag; Event Horizon; Anapest Journal;  Review; Boned; The Remembered Arts; Winamop; Tuck Magazine; Leaves of Ink; Poetic Diversity; Mad Swirl; Scryptic Magazine; Dissident Voice; Communicators League; Escapism Literary Magazine; Our Poetry Achieve; Academy of the Heart and Mind; Eos - The Creative Context; Apricity Magazine; GFT Press - Ground Fresh Thursday; Peacock Journal; Piker Press; Minute Magazine; JOGMAG, ENVISION ARTS MAGAZINE, PETROCHOR MAGAZINE, PAPERCASTLE MAGAZINE DUANESPOETREE, PETRICHOR magazine, FUNDZA LITERARY TRUST, SPILLWORD, ONLINE CONTEMPORARY POETRY, FAMILY FRIEND POETRY, UGC approved JOURNAL, AUTNIS POETRY (Albania), Arcs prose poetry, Vocea literaria (Romanian mag), WRITERS CAFE, YOALFAAZ, POEM HUNTER, YOUR STORY CLUB, THIENS.IN, FAST KASHMIR, TIMES OF KASHMIR  JOURNALIST WEBSITES Magazine; Down in the Dirt (Scars Publication); Academy of the Heart and Mind; With Painted HELLO POETRY, and many platforms on the INTERNET 

He contributes his articles/opinions nationally and internationally for different news organizations, like daily parliament times, Dawn, Pak observer, BRIGHTER KASHMIR, KASHMIR VISION, RISING KASHMIR, KASHMIR AGE, READER KASHMIR, FAJR, KASMIR PEN, KASHMIR THUNDER, DAILY KASHMIR AGE, KASHMIR READER, KASHMIR HORIZON, KASHMIR IMAGES.

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