Funeral for a Womb
Womb: (n) wretched occasionally makes babies
ashes to ashes / dirt to dirt
good dirt / holy dirt
feed the dirt
a graveyard for all the women betrayed
by their bodies
some kind of homecoming
Claire is someone whose body is at dis-ease with itself. Chronic pain and disability are her daily companions and it is through nature and words that she tries to make sense of the world in which she lives. With articles published on such sites as 'Tiny Buddha' and 'Having Time', she strives to help others negotiate the often harsh realities of life with chronic illness. Through her poetry, she explores universal themes of love, grief, perseverance, hope, faith, peace and time. The natural world permeates many of her poems and is the foundation on which she stands. When she can, she loves to take part in open mic poetry nights.