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  • Writer's pictureMarías at Sampaguitas

Poetry by Alexander P. Garza

Aloe Vera

The healing plant,

not just a folktale

but one that sutures

torn skin. It’s faded green

blotches spread into each of its girthy

leaves overflowing its guts and blood

into each of its spines,

overtaking my sightline

screen, out of the peripheral

and zoomed in and in focus,

its overarching arms enveloping

me. Each leaf peels back away,

dries and spills along the sides of the pot.

The crumpling dead leaves

burn to a crisp and are whisked

away by cold front winds.

Alexander P. Garza (he/him) is a Mexican-American poet from Houston, TX. His work has appeared in Toyon, Indianapolis Review, Dissections, Star*Line and others. He is a graduate student in the Program for Writers at University of Illinois - Chicago. Visit him on Instagram/Twitter, @alexanderpgarza and

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