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  • Writer's pictureMarías at Sampaguitas

Poem by Morgan Russell

Dichotomy—your name is womxn

Is there


so unloved as a daughter?

Is there


so loved as a daughter?

Morgan Russell (she/her) is the Creative Writing Editor for Marías at Sampaguitas. She is interested in the term coined by Walter Fisher: Homo narrans, storytelling human. To quote her favorite professor, Dr. Ariel Gratch, “What makes a storyteller different from someone simply telling a story is that a storyteller helps their audience better understand universal human experiences.” She believes it is our job as humans to share our views, especially those with marginalized voices, to build the universal human experience that Dr. Gratch talks about. When she’s not waxing lyrical about the importance of storytelling, she writes poetry that can be found in Rabid Oak, Empty House Press, Apricity Press,The Rush, and mutiny! She is a poetry reader for Brave Voices Magazine and 805 Lit. She is on twitter @conniptionns.

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