entrapment spell
Where lies love/ Dove
sta amore / Here lies
— “28” by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Some feeling of stuff
May I contain you
didn’t say
much. May
I contain
you? My,(love)
May I contain you?
say this in verse:
I wish your curvature
a wish: doesn’t serve((to
contain(s) verse, this form
your lips,)) a square
(that)we shared mattress bed
(in)one night was (lov(e)ingly) clichéd.
Anthony AW (@an__o__) is an LA-based writer. Their work has been or will be published in Anti-Heroin Chic, Drunk Monkeys, FIVE:2:ONE, Kissing Dynamite, Riggwelter Press, & elsewhere. Anthony took part in "Poets at Work" with Terry Wolverton from 2017-2018. They currently host tête-à-tête, a queer reading series at Book Show in Highland Park.